what can we help you with

Government Services


Ganuch Inc.'s support to our Army customers has given us the opportunity to provide a well trained and multi-faceted workforce, spanning a vast majority of the Logistical STAMIS systems. Our staff brings to us years of experience working with the current applications and/or it's predecessor. These systems include Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUSE), Standard Army Maintenance System Enhanced (SAMS-1E/2E), Standard Army Ammunition System – Modified (SAAS-MOD), Unit Level Logistics System Aviation Enhanced (ULLS-A(E)) and Standard Army Retail Supply System.

As the Army moves closer to the fielding of GCSS-Army, these STAMIS systems will be migrated into this new application. While these legacy systems will no longer be required, the underlying logistical expertise will still be required. Our commitment to our customers is to provide these subject matter experts in order to maintain an organization that is ready for the future.

Our Log STAMIS expertise brings the following capabilities:

  • PBUSE expertise and management
  • SAMS-E expertise and data analysis
  • SARSS functionality and experience
  • SASMO training and support